Labour Leasing License Switzerland

How to apply for a labour leasing license in Switzerland

Do you wish to setup the private placement company and/or lease your employees to Swiss companies? You have to be aware, that the Swiss market is regulated to protect its workers by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, which specifically governs the way in which temporary workers are employed and managed. This is done in order to prevent Swiss employers recruiting staff through foreign management companies and recruiters. Swiss companies are only to place personnel in the employment or under contrast with a Swiss client if they have a valid Swiss labour leasing license. 

Obtaining a license requires meeting certain criteria:

- Company has to be registered in the Swiss Commercial Register;
- Company must have suitable business premises;
- Must not engage in other professional activities which may conflict with the interests of the employer or job seekers;
- Must be headed by a Swiss resident, who has a good reputation and a certificate of completion of apprenticeship or equivalent training and can attest to several years of professional experience in the field of private placement and labor leasing services;
- A deposit (CHF 50'000 for cantonal, CHF 100’000 for federal license) to secure the workers’ wages must be made.

Cantonal or Federal labour leasing license?

If a leasing agency only employs and leases to other companies Swiss nationals and foreign nationals who are already entitled to work in Switzerlandholding a C, B or G-permit, then company must apply for cantonal license. In all the other cases, if the company wishes to hire and lease foreign nationals, Federal license needs to be granted.

If any assistance with the application for the labour leasing license is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us by


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